Import Sales order in odoo pos
Sales to POS in odoo
,POS import sales order in odoo
,add sales order in pos
,sale order import in pos odoo
This module help to manage your sales order in pos orders in odoo. Easily configurable and just follow below steps from POS setting to post frontend & Load Sales orders of last 'N' number of days. You can also check in detail view of sales order for verification and load in POS, You can use this module for Pos import sales order in pos odoo, add sales order in pos of odoo, sale order import in pos odoo with few click import sale in pos odoo module
This module is working in Odoo Enterprise and Community Edition.
Load Sales Order Faster in POS

We've implemented load Sales Order button, when you click on load Sales button sales orders will shows in POS as per configured in admin.
Order Detail View for Verification

Order details view feature allows you to see sale order view in detail and you can verify and load it in POS main screen.
Steps for Import sales order in POS
In POS Screen "Setting" for Configuration.

POS Sales order configuration.
From backend pos setting option, tick mark "Allow Import Sales Order" and
Add your 'N' number in "Last Order Days" for getting that days sales orders in pos list

Click on "Sale Order" button in POS Screen for list of sales order

Display Sales Orders list date wise. Click on "load" for load sale order in POS and Click on "View" button for See Sales order in detail view.

When click on "View" button, Sale order show in detail view

Sales orders view in POS Screen with Price, Reference No. and other detail, You can do further process.

For Technical Help and Support
At Axistechnolabs we offer end to end solution for Odoo services. Which includes analysis & consultation on the workflows and integration part.
Incase of any question regarding this module feel free to email us on