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Import product variant in odoo, Odoo import product variant from excel /csv file format , Import product variant in odoo website


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Import Product Variant from CSV/Excel file for Advance Import Products Variant in odoo website
Import bulk product variants data in odoo using excel or CSV

Import products and product variants using CSV/Excel in odoo

Product import odoo module helps to import products with product variants from the CSV / Excel file data. This module enable the feature to import custom fields also. this will auto-create or update product and product variant from CSV/Excel. You can identify the same name product/product variant in field.

Import Product Variant from CSV/Excel file in odoo

This module is supported in odoo community and enterprise edition

Features of import product variants from CSV/Excel odoo module

Import product variants in odoo

Import product variants by name, barcode reference fields

Import product variants in odoo, product vairiants import in odoo

Create product variants

Create or update product variants by barcode, name & internal reference in odoo website

product variant import in odoo v13 , v14

Data import alert

When you import product variant in odoo it display alert message for success

odoo all import Product Variant

Sample CSV or Excel

This module contains sample file of CSV or Excel to import product variants in odoo

Import Product Variant Wizard in odoo

Import Mass / Bulk records

Very useful for Import bulk product vairiants records in odoo using CSV or Excel

steps for product vairiants import in odoo v13, v14

Easy and Save your Time

Import products and product Variant odoo module is very easy and save you time

Sample Data File Format for Import product variants

If you want to import extra fields from default odoo field using sample files, we will add those on our import module. You can buy our module and contact us on

Checked Import Product Variant Option to get option of import menu

odoo Checked Import Product Variant Option

Import Product Variant Menu

Import Product Variant Menu in odoo

Import Product Variant Wizard

Odoo Import Products Variant Wizard

Sucess Message after Imported Product Variants

how to import Product Variant

The following product template fields are imported.

Imported Product Variant Deatails view.

where to see the imported Product Variant

Sales tab in the Product

product vairiants options to import in odoo axistechnolabs apps

Click on Variant button to check product variants

configure odoo for product variant import

Product variant details with quantity

best product variant odoo app download

Click on Configure button for Product Configuration

import odoo product variant

Product variants imported succesfully.

all import in odoo apps

Additional information


Community, Enterprise,


12.0, 13.0, 14.0, 15.0, 16.0

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